Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Broken Spring Break

Spring break officially starts on Friday...unless you play or support basketball and you are at the state tournament, or you play girls' soccer. If you play soccer, then you're aware that your coach cares not whether the boys are at state, or folks have plans to get going for spring break. You know you'll be at practice at the same old time, even though school is being dismissed early so students can travel to the tournament.

Molly's days were pretty much scheduled out until Sunday, which is departure day for spring break. She has soccer practice tomorrow, scrimmage on Friday, all day Forensics tournament on Saturday, and leaving at 7 am on Sunday is the plan. Six other seniors, four girls and three guys in total, were planning to head to the gulf coast for a week of fun. Word came today that one of the guys has decided against going, and now there is much discussion and discontent. The cost goes up for everyone, and there has been conversation about whether they are even still planning to go.

I've tried to gently explain that such is the way of being grown up. You make plans, and you have a notion in your head about what's going to happen, and doesn't. For whatever reason, the anticipated plans are different than the actualized event. But that doesn't mean that the real experience has to be less than the expected experience. She just needs to understand that most things in life will not turn out as planned, and tis much better in the long run to know that you will have to fly by the seat of your pants sometimes, but that's alright. If you're willing to roll with the punches, you will find it much easier to go with the flow when necessary. Too much inflexibility ultimately leads to dissatisfaction, and it's so much easier to be willing to see what happens along the road of life.

Tomorrow will be a day of decision. It will be interesting to see how the group proceeds from here. Will they make lemonade from the lemons of disappointment and additional cost, or will they suffer the stings of the lemons as they dither in indecision? Time will tell....

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